
TODAY'S MENU {Coconut Chocolate Banana Pancakes}

I have a strange love affair with all things coconut. Whenever I ask someone how they feel about it their response is usually one of the following:

"Eww I HATE coconut!"
"Mmmmm I LOVE coconut!"

Well, to all my fellow cocoNUTS, boy do I have a product for you! Moroccan Oil is simply the greatest purchase I've made in a long time! It makes my hair shine, feels silky smooth, plus it smells GREAT! If you're unsure, try the mini bottle, it lasts a good few months and won't cost you more than $20. This is definitely wonderful for hair that needs a good oil-down from all that blow-drying heat it's up against.
{photo by: eliza domestica}

{photo by: bella beauty}
{photo by: lush 360}


TODAY'S MENU {Caramel Popcorn & Chocolate Ganache Cupcake}

{Filled with Glee}
At the beginning of every season I promise myself not to get sucked back into the addiction that is prime-time television (the investment is too risky given my busy schedule and frankly it threatens my fear of commitment). However, no matter how hard I try, there is always that one special show (or in this case, two) that manages to get me home on time. The only problem, they air at the same time!
In any case, I am addicted.
My name is Jackie and I'm a Gleeaholic!


TODAY'S MENU {Blood Oranges}

With Halloween just around the corner and the premiere of Twilight fast approaching, vampires are EVERYWHERE (it's a challenge just to flick three channels before you're powerless to yet another blood-sucking prime-time).

Vampires are known for causing mass hysteria so their recent media attention should come as no surprise, which is why I have decided to fall victim to the creature du jour, part and parcel, indie rock band Vampire Weekend.
These four native New Yorkers may have only signed in 2006, but they're already making their mark with playlist-worthy tracks, influenced by African and Western-Classical music. They're new album Contra is set to be released in January 2010.


TODAY'S MENU {Candy Suckers}

{Not so Bazaar}
In my grade 11 Photography class our teacher asked us to pick a topic for our Independent Study Project. The moment I saw this magazine cover from the 1940's I knew my passion was in Fashion Photography.
{Lauren Bacall, Harper's Bazaar, March 1943, Spring Fashions}

These vintage Harper's Bazaar covers act as inspiration, framed and hung on my bedroom wall.{photos by: oriental trading, photobucket, art}


TODAY'S SPECIAL {Boston Cream Cupcake}

I have to say that out of all the places I've been to Boston is definitely a favourite! The beautiful architecture and endless history are just a couple of features that makes the city so unique.
Here's a sneak peek inside my NEW book...BOSTON!
{make sure you click on the badge at the end to PREVIEW my book}
{all photos by: wunderbug, Jackie Goodlin}


TODAY'S MENU {Grilled Cheese}

Last night I ventured out for some good old-fashioned, greasy grilled cheese. The one month-old dive in the cold Kensington garage may be small, but it has all the ingredients for a great meal (hence the cheddar, provolone, tomato and bacon).

{photo by blogto}


TODAY'S MENU {Baked Alaska}

{Into the Wild}
Has a movie ever changed your life? I can say without a doubt that Sean Penn's adaptation of Into the Wild did.
Before this film I had never experienced such heartfelt gallantry. The cinematography takes your breath away and you can't help but feel genuine emotion for every character and what they're going through. Originally a novel by John Krakauer, this true story is based on a boy who questions society and decides to make his way to Alaska in search of the simple life - something we can all relate to.

"I'm Supertramp and you're Superapple"

"Happiness only real when shared" - the last words written by Chris McCandless.

Did I mention Eddie Vedder wrote and sang the entire soundtrack? All you Pearl Jam fans, it's worth watching the movie just for the sheer musical perfection.

Endearing Emile Hirsch plays Chris McCandless.

Sean Penn waited 10 years to direct this film until he was finally given permission by the McCandless family.

Great philosophers such as Jack London and Henry David Thoreau were strong influences throughout Chris's life and guided him to think outside of organized society.


TODAY'S MENU {Pain au Chocolat}

{Ode to Audrey}
Self-proclaimed artisan Audrey Tatou has done it again! The french actress is beautiful, stars in beautiful films, and never fails to deliver a beautiful performance. Her brown eyes mesmerize you from the moment she appears on screen never allowing you to be anything but invested in her character.

Working with directors like Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Anne Fontaine surely helps the Art Direction of Tatou's beautiful films such as Amelie (Le fabuleux destin d'Amélie Poulain), A Very Long Engagement (Un long dimanche de fiançailles) and Chanel (Coco avant Chanel), but her sweet sincerity is what makes this leading lady tres magnifique!
{photo by: arapleting}

{A Very Long Engagement}
{photos by: movie mall, smh, hollywood jesus, allocine}

{Coco Avant Chanel}
{photos by: film of filia, guardian, ace showbiz}


TODAY'S SPECIAL {Red Chili Peppers}

{Red Hot}
El•e•gance; Rachel Bilson, style icon, glamour girl, RED HOT!
{photo by: webmd}
{photo by: instyle}


TODAY'S MENU {Chocolate Chunk Cookie Dough}

{Oh So Sweet}
Over the weekend I found myself getting a haircut three doors down from the latest cookie craze, Sweet Flour Bake Shop (naturally I paid them a visit - for research purposes of course). Located in Bloor West Village, this trendy little haven is as sweet as it claims to be, with customized cookies and toppings galore! The 'freshly baked' concept will appeal to even the non-cookie lovers, so get in the mixing mindset and dream up your next cookie!
{my first cookie consisted of oatmeal dough, semi-sweet chocolate chunks, pretzel sticks and pumpkin seeds, a definite winner!}
{photo by: the frisky}

{photo by: sweet flour}