
TODAY'S MENU {Baked Alaska}

{Into the Wild}
Has a movie ever changed your life? I can say without a doubt that Sean Penn's adaptation of Into the Wild did.
Before this film I had never experienced such heartfelt gallantry. The cinematography takes your breath away and you can't help but feel genuine emotion for every character and what they're going through. Originally a novel by John Krakauer, this true story is based on a boy who questions society and decides to make his way to Alaska in search of the simple life - something we can all relate to.

"I'm Supertramp and you're Superapple"

"Happiness only real when shared" - the last words written by Chris McCandless.

Did I mention Eddie Vedder wrote and sang the entire soundtrack? All you Pearl Jam fans, it's worth watching the movie just for the sheer musical perfection.

Endearing Emile Hirsch plays Chris McCandless.

Sean Penn waited 10 years to direct this film until he was finally given permission by the McCandless family.

Great philosophers such as Jack London and Henry David Thoreau were strong influences throughout Chris's life and guided him to think outside of organized society.

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